
ManukaMed Application – 8 Easy Steps

8 Easy Application Steps Using ManukaMed

  1. Wash hands thoroughly, put on gloves.
  2. Cleanse the wound and skin with sterile saline, sterile water, or other appropriate wound cleanser.
  3. Gently dry the skin around the wound with a dry, sterile gauze.
  4. Protect the skin around the wound. Apply a thin layer of MANUKAderm as a skin protectant barrier (Note – an initial increase in exudates may occur with ManukaMed honey Dressing).
  5. Choose a ManukaMed dressing that is appropriate for the amount of drainage.
  6. Apply the appropriate ManukaMed dressing to fit the wound. Excess dressing can fold into wound or allow it to overlap periwound area.
  7. If not using MANUKAhd or MANUKAhd Lite apply a secondary absorbent dressing as needed.
  8. Dressing change: Gently remove dressing as needed. Moistening dressing with saline can ease removal.

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Ease of application, at any wound stage.  

Click here for physicians’ experiences.

  • Flexible and comfortable to body contours
  • Sustained moist wound environment
  • Reduced odors associated with chronic wounds
  • Super Absorbent Fibers (SAF)
  • Extended duration of dressing strength 

Benefits of ManukaMed’s unique healing properties.

Click here for non-healing wound treatment solutions.

  • Faster, better healing
  • Decreased biofilm
  • Decreased pH level in wound bed
  • 100% safe, no cytotoxicity

Contraindications: Patients with known sensitivity to honey.

Precautions: Temporary increased pain, stinging due to osmotic action and/or low pH of honey.