Clinicians prefer the ManukaMed difference. Read testimonials below.
- Scientifically proven outcomes
- Faster, better results
- Ease of use
“Because of its effectiveness and super-absorbency, I use MANUKAhd on nearly all my patients with venous ulcer wounds.”
Shaun Carpenter, MD, FAPWCA, WSP
Wound Care Associates
Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi
“In those ulcers with undermining and tunneling, MANUKApli is my go to wound healing choice.”
Oscar Barreto, DPM
Miami, Florida
“Some of the benefits my patients receive when using Manuka honey include decreased biofilm, decreased pain, decreased time to heal and decreased infection – which all adds up to a great wound dressing.”
Stephen Bergquist, MD, CWSP
Jackson-Madison County Hospital
Jackson, Tennessee
Benefits of ManukaMed’s unique healing properties.
Click here for non-healing wound treatment solutions.
- Faster, better healing
- Decreased biofilm
- Increased plasmin activity
- Decreased pH level in wound bed
- 100% safe, no cytotoxicity
Contraindications: Patients with known sensitivity to honey.
Precautions: Temporary increased pain, stinging due to osmotic action and/or low pH of honey.